A warm welcome to everyone as we continue enhancing our new 'good' Mayfield for our school community. Thank you for taking the time to explore our website, find out about us and understand more about the innovative and rapid rise of our school. It is fair to say that, as headteacher, I have never been more excited in my career than right now. Everything we are doing is about constantly improving the learning experience for our children is exactly what I love doing. It is my number one goal every single time I get up for a new day. We are very focused and driven by this goal and it is the greatest time to be involved in the journey of Mayfield Primary School.
I am delighted that our pledge not to let Covid-19 become a barrier or an excuse has proved the right one. Our recent 'good' Ofsted inspection captured our progress, determination and huge work ethic of everyone in our school. So now we have time to build, innovate and learn within a climate of ever increasing confidence. As an experienced headteacher, I know that changing a tide that has built over long periods is not a simple process. Losing a reputation is instant, building one takes years. I have spoken previously about breaking certain myths and beliefs and, as a result, we love breaking new ground and challenging old thinking about teaching, learning and attitudes. This is a feel good place to be and I can only say to those of you reading this and wondering whether to join us 'come along, we are innovative, dedicated, brave, honest, fearless and truly building a school which is about the needs of the children we teach and the vision we have for them'. It is often said by schools that it is all about the children. Here at Mayfield it 100% is just that. Not false promises or words. Our opening angle to everything is the children's perspective and how they see their time at school.
When building a new journey, establishing new cycles and changing outlooks (that are almost habitual) we have to be strong, we have to challenge some beliefs and behaviours - so we won't agree all of the time. But this is good. This is where real progress and development comes from. No-one wants the same old tired systems that don't work, or headteachers saying 'this is what we always do' and instead we want to bring about long lasting improvement rather than short term fixes, so you have to ‘break a few eggs’ to coin a phrase and even be willing to make mistakes in order to make things better for our children. As a result, we are creating that new landscape that I have long talked about and its great to watch.
Mayfield is a school that can take advice, possess humility, be strong and have conviction when we believe we are making decisions for the right reasons, yet also know that we are human and will constantly learn, as we all should, as we move everyday through life. We will make mistakes. We should do if we are trying to constantly improve. Mistakes are the greatest teacher and the success that follows will be all the more secure because of it. This is part of our vision for our children and staff. Why be afraid just because someone may think you can’t do it or wishes to keep you in a particular place because it suits their beliefs?
We will never be afraid to try new ideas and initiatives or make changes that we believe will improve the social and academic experience for our children. I expect us to be bold and dare to do. We have a 'Fear Less' approach. I love to seek new ways of working that can constantly improve us. I expect the best from everyone at Mayfield - a positive, determined attitude to school life is a necessity for everyone who walks through our door above all else. Bring the smile, drive and excitement.
Be in no doubt that teaching is our passion. It is our drive. It is more than a job - it is a way of life. It is our reason for being here. Everything is geared towards valuing every social, moral and academic achievement in a climate that enables that deeper, independent, resilient, personalised learning that many would describe as unlocking the spiritual development in everyone.
'Valuing Every Achievement' is a constant thread. A vision that is everywhere in our school. The new ‘When I Grow Up…’ curriculum, commencing in early years with our 'I Wonder Statements...', carries and embodies this as we aim to send our children onto the next stage in their lives socially and academically ready, in equal measure, to make a difference to our local community and beyond.
I always talk honestly, with passion and belief. I don’t believe in blinding people with the same old worn out words, methods and platitudes expected of a headteacher. We have a once in a generation chance to make Mayfield’s long term future brighter and better than people could ever dream of.
Come and see us and take our hand because we are already achieving so much and changing the landscape. Let's do even more...
Mr G T Denton (Headteacher)