Valuing Every Achievement

Parent Governor Election

Dear Parents

There are places for parent governor(s) on the governing body of this school.  They are elected by the parents of pupils at this school to serve a four year term of office.  There is now vacancies for up to two parent governor(s).  You may, if you wish, put yourself forward for election, using the attached application form and biographical details.

We are sending out the application form and biographical details form electronically where possible in word format – paper copies can be obtained upon request at the school office if you prefer.

The timetable for the election is:-

  1. Application forms AND biographical details to be returned to me by 12.00 noon on Thursday 15th October.


  • Electronic copies can be attached and emailed to
  • Paper copies can be sent directly to the school office either by yourself, or via your child, in a sealed envelope addressed to Mr Denton.


  1. Ballot papers to be sent to all parents on Monday 19th October.

          (Voting will only take place if there are more nominations than vacancies.)

  1. Ballot papers to be returned to me by 9.30am on Thursday 22nd October.


  1. The votes will be counted on Thursday 22nd October at 11.30am after which the result will be announced.


The governing body are seeking to appoint individuals who can support the continued progression and direction of Mayfield Primary School and build upon the extensive work undertaken during the last twelve months. Governance does not require endless hours in the school building but does have requirements on time to attend meetings and be part of our committee structure, to lead upon areas of governance, support the senior leaders in their work and to be part of our Governor Challenge events and internal training calendar (including training for inspection). There is an expectation that the elected governors will work alongside the Headteacher to gain a detailed understanding of the school and its current position.

If you require any further information about being elected to the governing body, its commitments, expectations and roles please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mr Denton


Returning Officer for Governor Election


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